2. Klaus-Kinkel-Lecture 2023: Grußwort von Dr. Fabian Scheffczyk

  • Lesedauer:3 min Lesezeit
Grußwort des Bundesvorsitzenden der VLJ Dr. Fabian Scheffczyk:
Judge Rodin, Mrs. Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Justice Offenloch, State Secretary Theurer, ladies and gentlemen,
it is my pleasure welcoming you to this second Kinkel lecture as Chairman of the Association of Liberal Jurists. I would like to thank the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for working with us as partner for this event. But – with all modesty – I think it was a natural choice. The title of the lecture is „Defending Liberal Democracy“ and it is my firm belief that jurists in general, but especially judges and government lawyers must be made aware of the threats to our constitutional order as well as be prepared to defend  that order. We have seen more than once that the courts were the prime targets after populist takeovers of power. I assume Judge Rodin is going to touch on this subject later. And with Mrs. Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger we have an expert in resisting to populist calls for ever more surveillance measures. A resistance that was rewarded by landmark decisions of the European Court of Justice regarding data retention rules in 2014, 2016 and 2022. I am proud to say that we awarded our Association‘s Max Stadler-Medal in recognition of outstanding service to the rule of law to her last year.
Our Association aims to promote the cause of liberty within the law and is thus a natural ally to all standing up against  populist attempts to take over government and the court system. The protection of civil rights and the rule of law is central to our mission. We provide a network for lawyers of all professions who share these goals. We offer lectures, panels and seminars with scientists and practicioners from all areas of the law and adjacent fields. We are not party affilated, but we are partisans for freedom, democracy and liberty. If you would like to join us please visit our website at liberalejuristen.de where you can find an online form for your membership application.
State secretary Theurer, the lectern is yours!